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Manual “Rule of Law Checklist for Ukraine” Was Presented in Supreme Court

19 february 2020, 11:22

Judges of the Supreme Court participated in the presentation seminar of the manual “Rule of Law Checklist for Ukraine” prepared by experts of the Centre for Studying the Rule of Law of the National university of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” within the implementation of the CoE Project “Supporting Constitutional and Legal Reforms, Constitutional Justice and Assisting the Verkhovna Rada in Conducting Reforms Aimed at Enhancing Its Efficiency”.

Judge of the SC Grand Chamber Vitalii Urkevych expressed his thanks to the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine and the experts for the held investigation resulting in the updated adapted version of the «Rule of Law Checklist».

Vitalii Urkevych remarked that the idea of the Rule of Law was the key one in the philosophy of the Supreme Court’s activity. In a significant number of the SC judgments it was possible to watch the realization of this principle, when judges, while following legal prescriptions, interpreted the norms in manner promoting human rights protection.

The event participants have listened to the lecture of experts from the Centre for Studying the Rule of Law regarding the peculiarities of application of separate components of the rule of law principle and exchanged their opinions regarding the presented developments.

Judges of the SC Grand Chamber and cassation courts within the SC, as well as assistant judges and representatives of the SC staff participated in the event.