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Special Meeting Took Place in the Supreme Court

21 december 2019, 15:45

On 21 December the Klovskyi Palace was visited by children and adults undergoing rehabilitation in Kyiv Center for Social, Professional and Labor Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities. The Acting President of the Supreme Court Stanislav Kravchenko remarked that the SC judges were happy to welcome the guests. Taking that opportunity, he also congratulated the visitors on the upcoming holidays and wished success, as well as the realization of their cherished dreams.

Stanislav Kravchenko told about the importance of judicial profession. Besides, he provided answers to the visitors’ questions regarding issues, which could be solved by court, the duties of a chief justice and judges, as well as qualities necessary to become a judge.

Judge of the SC Grand Chamber Vitalii Urkevych and judge of the Criminal Cassation Court within the Supreme Court Svitlana Yakovlieva held the Lesson of Justice for the guests. Thereafter, the visitors recited their poems, sang songs with accompaniment of the guitar and got some sweets.

The SC judges thanked the guests for such original gifts, and the visitors – for the creation of home atmosphere during the meeting.

The event participants took photo and visited the excursion in the Klovskyi Palace.

This meeting was held within the Project "Court through the Eyes of Special Needs Children" aimed at socialization and adaptation of children with disabilities, their familiarization with the activity of the judicial system and the development of their legal consciousness, awareness and formation of positive image of court. The Project is implemented by the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “National Assembly of Disabled People of Ukraine”.