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Even During Challenging Times the Judicial System Has to Work in the Best Possible Manner to Demonstrate Its Responsibility to Citizens – Valentyna Danishevska

30 october 2019, 09:36

President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska presented her greeting speech at XVII unscheduled congress of judges of Ukraine, whose delegates, particularly, had to appoint three judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and to elect two members of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.

Valentyna Danishevska remarked that at that time the judicial system was going through a difficult time. The SC President emphasized that each time, when an offensive on the independence of the judiciary occurred, judges had to mobilize, stand in solidarity, join in order to not allow the humiliation of the judicial system and neglecting opinion of the judicial branch of power by representatives of other branches of power.

Valentyna Danishevska noted that the Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges” and Some Laws of Ukraine regarding the Operation of Judicial Governance Bodies” (Draft Law No. 1008) adopted by the the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine but sighed neither by the Chair of the Parliament, nor by the President of Ukraine, had demonstrated unfriendly attitude to the judicial system.

According to Mrs. Danishevska, bodies of the judicial power provided expert opinions as for the draft law and analyzed in details its provisions, explained, why it should not be adopted. At the same time, there is a positive norm in this Law, which, particularly, will let liquidate the discrimination as for the labour remuneration for judges from first and second instances. The SC President underlined that, however, it was obvious, that the price proposed to be paid for such a norm was extremely high.

She also drew attention to the fact that, if the law came into force, the congress of judges would be deprived from the authority to form the composition of the HQCJ of Ukraine. Valentyna Danishevska noted that due to that authority, judges were able to watch the observance of European standards while forming the mentioned body and to ensure the inclusion of judges into the half of its composition.

Besides, she reminded that during the judicial reform in 2016 the judicial power had got serious basis for its independence. Our task was represented with the embodiment of this independence. However, there was no sufficient time for the realization of these plans and now, due to the adoption of the law, the offensive on the judicial independence is occurring.

Valentyna Danishevska told that the Supreme Court and all bodies of the judicial power had been involved into massive struggle for the independence. European institutions, ambassadors of many countries, national professional organizations and legal community had supported the protection of European values and standards of the judicial independence.

In the SC President’s opinion, the independence of the judicial system has to be protected by the whole society, who shall understand that, primarily, people, seeking for truth and justice in courts, need the independence of the judicial branch of power.

Valentyna Danishevska underlined that on meetings with representatives of other branches of power she called them upon dialogue, tolerance and demonstration of the desire to cooperate over the solution of problems existent in the country.

The SC President thanked the congress participants for their important role at complicated times.

Valentyna Danishevska emphasized that even at challenging times the judicial system had to work in the best possible manner to demonstrate its responsibility to citizens.

Finally, the SC President wished the present to delegate the best candidates to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.