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“Without Independent Court neither Democratic, nor Legal State Is Possible” – SC President Valentyna Danishevska at the Launching Ceremony of the High Anti-Corruption Court

05 september 2019, 18:49

Today, the solemn launching of the High Anti-Corruption Court has taken place with the participation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska, the President of the Criminal Cassation Court within the Supreme Court Stanislav Kravchenko, the President of the High Anti-Corruption Court Olena Tanasevych, representatives of anti-corruption law-enforcement bodies, as well as international organizations and embassies.

The President of Ukraine greeted the present on launching the HACC and noted that its judges faced a serious challenge – returning the feeling and faith into the existence of justice in Ukraine.

In Volodymyr’s Zelenskyy opinion, the task of the HACC consists of punishing persons, who have committed corruption offences, and to protect the state, society, investors.

The President of the High Anti-Corruption Court Olena Tanasevych thanked international partners and those, who promoted the HACC establishment for their assistance, and assured that the Court chaired by her was completely ready for performing its duties.

Valentyna Danishevska remarked that for Ukraine 2019 had become the year of changes, however, the society’s request for justice and fight against corruption was stable; presently, the five-year marathon of the establishment of anti-corruption system in Ukraine had been finished; the HACC judgments had to provide closure in many corruption crimes; nevertheless, judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court were not alone on that path – the Supreme Court had created a specialized chamber, which would review the HACC judgments in cassation procedure.

The SC President reminded that people’s trust into court and the state in general was the common task for judges. Judges’ independence was also important, since “without independent court neither democratic, nor legal state is possible”. The President of the Supreme Court invited the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the Klovskyi Palace to have a substantive discussion of current issues.

Finally, Valentyna Danishevska wished judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court fruitful work.