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President of the Supreme Court Met with the Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the United States Embassy in Ukraine

29 august 2019, 18:20

President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska met with William B. Taylor, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the United States Embassy in Ukraine, on 29 August

While this meeting the parties discussed a range of issues in the sphere of strengthening the rule of law in Ukraine, the judicial power independence and results of the activity of the Supreme Court.

Anton Cooper, representative of the Political Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine, Ann Hopper, the Deputy Director of the Democracy and Governance Office of the USAID Regional Mission in Ukraine and Belarus, Oleksandr Piskun, the Head of the Democracy and Governance Programs of the Democracy and Governance Office of the USAID Regional Mission in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Cyprus, and Lina Hubar, the Head of the Division for International and Legal Cooperation of the Supreme Court, also participated in the meeting.