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SC and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Will Cooperate in Sphere of Protection of Children’s Rights and Improvement of Their Legal Awareness

07 august 2019, 17:17

On 7 August 2019 judge of the Administrative Cassation Court within the Supreme Court, the Chair of the Association for the Development of Judicial Self-Government of Ukraine Volodymyr Kravchuk met with representatives of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) – Chief of Child Protection Programme Naira Avetisyan and the Chief of children’s rights protection projects Anna Omelchuk to discuss the development of civil society by means of increasing children’s awareness of the Constitution of Ukraine, the mechanism of state management and human rights protection.

Volodymyr Kravchuk informed about measures within the activity of the Supreme Court and the Association for the Development of Judicial Self-Government of Ukraine in terms of increasing children’s legal awareness. Thus, judges hold lessons of justice in common schools applying certain methodology, films, books etc. They tell children what the state is, clarify the reason of courts’ existence; they explain how disputes are solved with the assistance of third person on the examples of exceptional cases with the involvement of teachers.

Naira Avetisyan told about UNICEF projects in Ukraine for the protection of children living in asylums, fight against violence concerning children and provision them psychosocial assistance. She also drew attention to the importance of the elaboration of effective mechanism of preventing cases of getting children into conflicts with law.

The Association Chair put emphasis on the Association members’ readiness to be partners in the UNISEF projects in cases of the necessity to involve judges, in all instances and on the whole territory of Ukraine, in order to ensure better understanding the judicial system by children and their right to protection, as well as emphasized that single actions, measures did not produce necessary effect; there should be a comprehensive and complex approach to the realization of a large-scale project.

The meeting participants agreed to prepare promptly the relevant proposals as for cooperation, to coordinate them and to start jointly the realization of relevant initiatives.