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President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska Participates in the IX Conference of the Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe

27 may 2019, 18:06

Valentyna Danishevska is carrying out working visit to Bratislava, where on 26-28 May the IX Conference of the Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe is taking place. Chief judges from 21 European countries are participating in this event.

This year the Conference has been organized by the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic chaired by its President Daniela Švecová and the CEELI Institute.

The judges are discussing topics as for promoting the comprehension of courts’ importance in the contemporary media environment by society, the role of the Supreme Court in case law unification, the role of courts in the protection of human rights, selection of judges, effective disciplinary mechanisms, making clear, justified judgments at all levels of the judicial power.

The Head of the Division for International and Legal Cooperation Lina Hubar is participating in the Conference within Ukrainian delegation.