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SC President Valentyna Danishevska Told with Newly Appointed Judges about Trust in Judicial Power

17 may 2019, 22:08

On 17 May the President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska presented her speech on closing ceremony of orientation course for newly appointed judges of the Supreme Court.

In her speech Mrs. President emphasized on the fact that the strategic aim of the Supreme Court is represented by the restoration of trust in the judicial power.

The President of the Supreme Court remarked that four components of success in this sphere had been outlined. First of all, these are content and form of judgments. They shall be quality, justified, clear and simple for perception. The second component is judges’ behavior. Judges shall reinforce the requirements to them, observe ethical norms and rules of conduct at workplace, as well as while everyday routine. The third component is represented by the administrative component of judicial processes. Valentyna Danishevska referred to the convenience of premises, promptness of citizens’ documents acceptance, court officials’ behavior. And finally – timely, clear, adequate communication with society. The Supreme Court has Facebook account and Telergam channel, where it provides prompt notification about adopted judgments, informs about its activity.

Courts of first instance annually consider about 3 million cases. Only 11 % are reviewed within appeal procedure, the third part of them, in the future, are appealed in cassation courts. In Valentyna’s Danishevska opinion, it testifies the fact that an indicator of society’s confidence in courts permanently increases – pursuant to the USAID investigation data, during three years it increased from 5 % till 16 %.

The President of the Supreme Court assured that trust was represented by realizing that state institution worked, and in case of necessity it would protect citizens’ rights; judges should realize the high level of personal and collective liability, be patriots of their work and, therefore, they would be successful in their activity.

At the end of the last day of training for newly appointed judges, the President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska together with the Rector of the National School of Judges of Ukraine Mykola Onishchyk presented certificates on attendance of the orientation course and IDs to the judges.