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Legal professionals discuss how the judiciary overcomes the challenges of war at an international conference in Lviv

08 december 2023, 13:17

There can be no peace without justice, because justice is the foundation of a sustainable and harmonious society. It is only in a fair environment that people can feel that their rights and interests are protected, that there is no place for lawlessness and discrimination.

This was stated by Stanislav Kravchenko, President of the Supreme Court, at the opening of the International Conference "The Role of the Judiciary in Overcoming the Challenges of War". He also expressed his gratitude to the co-organisers of the event - the Ukrainian Catholic University, the Council of Europe's Cooperation Programmes Department and the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine.

Stanislav Kravchenko stressed that the Ukrainians had clearly chosen their course to be part of the European community. At the same time, today's events have convinced everyone even more of how much citizens' views have changed in terms of their desire to live in a democratic, legal and European country.

"Indeed, the war has created great challenges, including for the judiciary. At the same time, I am convinced that for the sake of a better future for our state and our citizens, for the sake of peace, united we will be able to overcome all challenges and threats to human rights and the rule of law in this difficult time for Ukraine," the Chief Justice said.

Taras Dobko, Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, stressed that freedom and dignity are among the highest values in Ukraine. These values cannot exist in isolation, nor can they exist in fear of violence, power or injustice.

The UCU Rector stated that it is the responsibility of the judicial system to uphold the dignity of other authorities and public institutions. It is therefore important to have effective mechanisms for the administration of justice in Ukraine.

"A court decision is not a formal resolution of a dispute. It is a cornerstone that a judge lays in the foundation of justice in society, setting standards and creating a culture of justice," Taras Dobko believes.

Maciej Janczak, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on the coordination of cooperation programmes of the Council of Europe, expressed his admiration for the resilience and commitment of the Ukrainian people, and in particular of the authorities, which the world has witnessed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by russia. He also noted that the Council of Europe actively supports the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities to implement mechanisms aimed at addressing a number of systemic and structural challenges faced by the Ukrainian judiciary during the war. One of them, according to the speaker, is the need to ensure the inevitability of russia's responsibility for the aggression against Ukraine and the timely compensation of the victims. To this end, the International Register of Damage was created as part of the mechanism of compensation for war damage.

Carolyn Hammer, Rule of Law Adviser, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, acknowledged Ukraine's efforts to protect human rights, uphold democratic principles, and maintain the rule of law, even during times of war and security risks.  

The speaker reiterated that ODIHR and the Support Programme for Ukraine stand ready to assist the judiciary in meeting new challenges at this difficult time, so that Ukraine can continue to strengthen the rule of law. 

Nataliia Stupnytska, Head of the Democratisation, Good Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Project Unit of the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine, pointed out that courts play a key role in resolving issues arising from the hostilities in the country. She stated that the war has affected an unprecedented number of people, all of whom are seeking justice. Bringing the perpetrators of war crimes to justice is not only a response to the expectations of the people, but also a logical and inevitable step for the country on the road to recovery.

Nataliia Stupnytska assured that the OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine has provided and will continue to provide assistance through numerous projects aimed at improving the effectiveness of the judiciary in responding to war-related crimes and promoting the rule of law.

You can follow the broadcast of the event on the official YouTube channel of the Supreme Court - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qYNFrFmCA0.