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Functioning of judicial governance and self-government bodies in Ukraine: representatives of the Supreme Court join the discussion of CoE experts' recommendations

30 november 2023, 16:27

The status and functions of the High Council of Justice, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine and the Council of Judges of Ukraine, as well as possible ways to overcome difficulties and potential challenges in their work; the system of disciplinary proceedings and responsibility of judges in Ukraine; optimisation of procedures for selecting judges to courts of first instance and appellate courts - recommendations on these and other issues were presented by international experts of the Council of Europe during the roundtable on the functioning of judicial governance and self-government bodies in Ukraine.

International CoE advisers Lorena Bachmeier Winter (Professor of Law, Complutense University in Madrid), Nina Betetto (Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, former President of the CCJE) and Gerhard Reissner (former President of the District Court of Floridsdorf (Vienna), former President of the CCJE) presented their recommendations for the harmonisation of Ukrainian legislation on judicial proceedings with Council of Europe standards to representatives of the judiciary and members of the Ukrainian Parliament.

In particular, the international experts analysed Ukrainian legislation on disciplinary proceedings and offences, reviewed the criteria for the selection of inspectors for the service of disciplinary inspectors and those responsible for disciplinary investigations, the scope of judicial protection, and proposed measures to improve Ukrainian legislation to optimise the procedures for the selection of judges to the courts of first instance and appeal. They also focused on ways to further reform the governance and self-governance of the judiciary, the integrity and discipline of judges, compliance with ethical rules and criteria for assessing challenged judicial conduct.

The event was also attended by Larysa Rohach, President of the Commercial Cassation Court of the Supreme Court, and Rasim Babanly, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court. Together with representatives of the Council of Europe and other roundtable participants, they exchanged views on possible ways to improve Ukraine's legislation in this area and on pressing issues related to judicial reform in Ukraine.

The roundtable was organised by the Council of Europe's Cooperation Programmes Department within the framework of the project "Support to the Functioning of Justice in the War and Post-War Context in Ukraine".