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Further cooperation between the Supreme Court and the EU Project Pravo-Justice will focus on European integration and strengthening cooperation with the EU Court of Justice and EU Supreme Courts

27 november 2023, 14:00

This opinion was expressed by Rasim Babanly, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court, during a meeting of the Steering Committee of the EU Project Pravo-Justice.

He spoke about the positive results of the joint work of the Supreme Court and the Project in recent years. In particular, he highlighted the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure", which the legal system has long needed. According to Rasim Babanly, the Law will help to improve procedures in administrative relations between the state and the individual. The speaker also drew attention to the development of the mediation institute in Ukraine, noting that the Supreme Court is actively promoting it. For example, in November, the Civil Cassation Court of the Supreme Court held a roundtable discussion entitled "Judiciary and Mediation: Points of Intersection", where participants discussed out-of-court dispute resolution in global and European practice and its development in Ukraine.

"A confident step has been taken in this direction, but this is only the first step," stressed the First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Supreme Court.

Rasim Babanly also mentioned the support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice in developing training programmes for judges to deal with criminal proceedings related to war crimes. Cooperation with the Project has enabled the creation of innovative IT products - the Database of Legal Positions of the Supreme Court and the Portal of Modern Law, which will soon be presented.

In conclusion, the speaker noted that in recent years Ukraine has undergone many changes related to the European integration process. The changes are undoubtedly positive, but at the same time they place a great responsibility on the country's judiciary. Today, the Supreme Court actively cooperates with EU courts and supreme courts of other countries. In addition, the Supreme Court has observer status in the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU, which allows it to be in the current context of the issues analysed by these courts.