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Supreme Court judge takes part in the international conference on human rights protection

23 november 2023, 16:53

Olena Hubska, Supreme Court Judge of the Administrative Cassation Court, joined the International Conference "Human Rights: European Perspective", organised by the Constitutional Court of Poland. The event was attended in particular by the presidents and judges of the Constitutional Courts of Poland, Belgium, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Supreme Court of Poland and the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland.

During the first panel, dedicated to human rights, the participants focused on the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the case law of the Belgian Constitutional Court, the right to good governance, the application of tax security measures from the perspective of human rights protection, the legal protection of life and discussed the ambiguity of the term "human rights".

The second thematic panel "Pluralism of Axiological Preferences as a Factor Determining the Understanding of Human Rights" discussed the problems of implementing the tripartite separation of powers as a guarantee of human rights and measures to protect individual rights after the amendments to the Civil Code of Poland.

In the third panel of the conference, entitled "Intensification and Integration of Human Rights Protection Measures - Opportunities and Threats. Human rights in the context of war and the practice of totalitarian regimes", the participants focused on the issue of consideration and application of legal methods for the protection of fundamental rights used by the ECtHR in the judicial work of the Constitutional Court of Latvia. They also discussed uncompensated war damage and human rights, the structure and functioning of the European Union and the effectiveness of the protection of fundamental rights.