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SC Task Force on Strategic Development Starts Working on the Supreme Court's Five-Year Strategy

13 march 2023, 16:06

The first strategic planning session took place on March 10, 2023, with the participation of the SC President and judges, heads of key structural units of the Supreme Court, heads of secretariats, and the Chief of Staff.

The first session was moderated by Olena Kibenko, SC judge at the Commercial Cassation Court, and Oleksandra Yanovska, SC judge at the Criminal Cassation Court.

Opening the session, moderator Olena Kibenko said: "The Supreme Court has gone through a five-year stage of institutional formation. In 2018, the management task force elaborated an ambitious plan for the SC's development, which was partially implemented. Today, in the context of current realities, it is advisable to formulate a new strategy for the SC's development, given the current challenges, risks and opportunities. We have to clearly understand what we are striving for, where we are heading and the way we are moving, we have to plan our future to avoid inertial, negative development scenarios."


Co-moderator Oleksandra Yanovska emphasized that the full-scale war, which had been going on for two years, posed new challenges for the Supreme Court, primarily in terms of considering cases of crimes of aggression, war crimes, compensation for damages, etc. Therefore, efficiency of work in all areas is one of the key priorities of the Supreme Court, as the number of war-related cases will increase.

The first strategic planning session was devoted to the work on the mission and vision of the Supreme Court in five years. The participants analyzed internal and external risks and opportunities (SWOT analysis), and focused on two strategic areas: the consistency of case law and the effectiveness of external and internal communications.


Concluding the session, SC President Vsevolod Kniaziev stressed that "the absolute priority for the Supreme Court for the next five years is to create a strong, independent judiciary that works in a high-quality and efficient manner to establish the rule of law and justice for everyone who applies to the courts for protection of violated rights."