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SC President Valentyna Danishevska Opened Training Judicial Competitions Organized by the Council of Europe and the OSCE

20 may 2021, 14:02

President of the Supreme Court Valentyna Danishevska participated in opening the training judicial competitions on the freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly, which took place on 18 May within the School on the Implementation the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR. The event was organized by the Council of Europe and the OSCE in cooperation with Ukrainian higher educational institutions.

The issues of freedom of speech and the protection of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly will be considered in the context of the execution of relevant obligations under the ECtHR judgments by Ukraine. Freedoms provided for by articles 10-11 of the ECHR are the cornerstone, on which the sustainable development of democracy and civil society is based.

Valentyna Danishevska underlined the importance of such training judicial competitions since they provide students with the possibility to perform their abilities, to demonstrate obtained knowledge, as well as to take the role of a judge, an advocate or a prosecutor and, possibly, to choose their future occupation.

She remarked that in the early 2000s she had been a member of a panel of judges at the final part of the All-Ukrainian Judicial Debates on Commercial Law held in the High Commercial Court of Ukraine. Dmytro Hudyma, the SC judge and the colleague of Valentyna Danishevska in the Grand Chamber, was one of the final participants.

Valentyna Danishevska informed that this year winners will have the opportunity to undertake an internship in one of the SC departments. Students will be able to learn a little more about the work of the Supreme Court, and the Court representatives will be happy to talk to the young generation of lawyers who will determine the legal opinion in future.

According to the SC President, each such event leaves pleasant impressions, because communication with students, their active position, worldview and great desire to bring new positive practices to the legal profession inspire.