Contact center of the Ukrainian Judiciary 044 207-35-46
of the Administrative
Cassation Court
Dear Mr. Smokovych,
The members of the Association of Bulgarian Administrative Judges express our deep empathy and support to the Ukrainian people against the unfair Russian military aggression.
Expressing our sincere solidarity, we declare our association's readiness to provide humanitarian and logistical support to administrative judges and their family members on the territory of our country. We are ready to house at our expense for a month those in need.
We believe that the desire for peace, solidarity and support that the Ukrainian people receive from all over Europe are stronger than tanks, and soon this undeserved and violent aggression will end.
We remain at your disposal with the expectation to inform us of your needs in this extremely difficult situation.
Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Parvanov
Chairman of the Board of
the Association of Administrative Judges in Bulgaria
Ljubomir Gaidov
Chairman of the Control Board
of the Association of Administrative Judges in Bulgaria,
Vice-President of the
Supreme Administrative Court
About ABAS
The Association of Bulgarian Administrative Judges was established in 2007 and is the largest non-governmental organization of judges in Bulgaria. Today its members are 204 judges from all administrative courts in Bulgaria, the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Supreme Judicial Council and the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council.
The main goal of ABAS is to raise the level of awareness of the work of the administrative judges in the country, evolution of the democratic environment, support for the development of civil society and democratic institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria.